
cards against humanity online version 967

Ecrit par Bruno, Publié in Voyage on 7 gennaio 2016 – 02:26


Product Description: Sun Mountain Personalized Sync Cart Bag The Sun Mountain Personalized Sync Cart Bag was designed for use on push carts. Sun Mountain started with a top and bottom designed to nest in the upper and lower bag wraps of Sun Mountain push carts. Then they molded the bottom so it fits over the lower bag rest of the Speed Cart V1 and SV1 and Micro Cart Series carts, minimizing side to side movement. Additional features: All pockets are forward facing and accessible when the bag is on a cart There are 15 individual full length dividers including one for your putter Works well on riding carts Includes matching rainhood 6.4 lbs Ten pockets including: velour lined valuables pocket, two full length clothing pockets, and multiple accessory pockets Two lift assist handles integrated into the top for ease of handling Personalization will be on the spine pocket.

by Charlie Schroeder and Ryan M. Noll

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